Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Life is just like a movie


Siang ini gue iseng ke warnet.,..udah berapa hari gue gak posting semenjak beberapa hari yang lalu..

Penalti gue mungkin dah ada kali ya 1 Juta, lumayan buat makan-makan di Gokana Ramen.

OK, siang ini gue ke warnet yg kemaren jadi warnet favorit baru gue karena koneksinya yang tajir...tapi, tuh warnet penuh..Kampret!!!

Gue pun harus ke warnet lain dan disini di sebelah gue ada anak kecil goblog..Sumpah goblog..Masih SMP Udah ngerokok.!Beside of me guys!!!!!Kampret!!! Gue paling males negor-negor bocah kayak gini..Itu hak mereka juga sih mau ngerokok apa gak. Tapi ya, nyesek juga sih..Bzzzz....Maklum warnet nya gak ber AC guys..Indonesia...oh..Indonesia....

Hmmm..gue sebenernya males banget posting nih..Gak cuma males posting doang..Gue tuh lagi males ngapa-ngapain.Gak ada semangat ngapa-ngapain....Ya, bzzzzz abis emang.

Mau download lagu-lagu Adele yang kemaren gagal gue transfer ke BB, tapi disini lemot naudzubillah.Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Di samping gue anak SMP biadab itu masih mengepulkan asap rokoknya yang bodoh. Mukanya yang jelek itu..Ditambah rokok ditangannya.. Makin jelek aja nih anak orang..Kenapa ini emaknya dulu gak aborsiin aja si nih makhluk. Masa Depannya juga udah suram. Keliatan dari muka nya.


Ngomong-ngomong masa depan, ada yang tau masa depanya bakal kayak gimana???

Hmmm..Nothing can be predicted. Absolutely, future is keep being a mistery till we're going to that moment and be the part of our future.

Sometimes, i got so frustrated with what should i do with it. You know, we just can do our best now, and the result is only god who know it. It's kinda like watching a movie right? We thought we know everything bout the ending, but we got tricked by the director. The ending was so unpredictable. Happy? Hillarious? Sad? Dramatic? or maybe still being blur, like there is no answer for the ending.

Yeah, our life is just like a movie that we never know bout the ending. We're the actor/actress who played a character in the movie. God is the director. We just have to do the best for making a good movie. No Matter the ending is, sometime the most interesting thing in the movie is the storyline. We can sink in the story, go deep and feels yeah..that's my life. But, most of all movies have the same ending. "The good one will be survive and being happy ever after".

So, we just have to keep doing a good thing maybe, for getting the best ending of ourself. If you want your life happy ever after. You just have to be a good one person. A good ending is for a good people. God/Director always think about it guys :)

Like a movie of Julia Roberts (one of my Fave movies) " Eat, Pray, Love " .... A happyness of life can be founded just by do and look for that three things :)

Oke, udahan dulu ya..Sedikit-sedikit nngelancarin skill writing english gue bisa kan?? :)

Catch ya later!!Good day and happy sunday all!!!

God bless you good people!!!

Anonim 1

3 komentar:

  1. Mampir di sore hari....salam kenal ya..:)

  2. Hoho, salam kenal juga mas, thx udah mampir..Kayaknya blog ente menarik juga mas :)

    By: Anonim 1

  3. well its been nice to read everything written in english .since u graduated i guess ur writing is progressing.i agree with u yes life is just like a movie n god is the director.my life is a roller coaster hehe..swinging me in to the air n dumped me to the deepest part .bottom part yuck..but im alive n still heading.i wish i never be in a sad ending movie..but i was im n i will heheh.well guys bcoz my english is better than bahasa indonesia i prefer to write in english then hahah.
